Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Current Status

As of the date of this post:Feb. 27, 2008, we are still in the phase of planning and organization. Obviously, being a volunteer organization we have a very limited budget for the moment, hence the lack of a domain. Please take note, we are NOT asking for money. DO NOT send us funds. However, soon we will have a system to register new members for those who wish to join The IGDI. Until then, be vigilant. Power to The IGDI!

About Us

We here at The IGDI do what we do for our people. Our ranks are primarily composed of volunteers who wish to help us, in order to protect those caught up in wars, cruelties, and other events of the sort. Unfortunately, this usually requires getting involved ourselves. Not often will it be in direct sort of fashion, but with tactical prowess (ex. sabatoge, propaganda, etc.). This way we do not put the lives of our people at the greater level of risk they would face fighting a war. The overall goal of these acts is to gain the favour of these areas we fight to protect, and unite them into one peaceful nation.

If you wish to contact us, you may voice your opinions to


Hello, this is the official blog of The Intergalactic Defense Initiative. We are dedicated to the well being of people around the world. It is our goal to see equality, and eventual retribution to be achieved worldwide. Here, we will post our opinions on topics of the past, present, and future. Read with an open mind, and a heart clear of prejudices. Thanks to Blogger for hosting us.